I simply love your love of libraries, Robin! It’s so endearing. I don’t use libraries as much as it seems you do, but my mum and my girlfriend both frequent them often. :)

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Thanks! And I'm happy you've got some smart, savvy women in your life--lucky you! :)

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I am very lucky.

Thanks Robin :)

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I thought I might be overdoing it with four library cards. I salute your five cards!

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Ah, yay! You’re a woman after my own heart!

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Five library cards??? I'm impressed. That's quite the flex.

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I didn’t realize until now that it’s brag-worthy πŸ˜†πŸ’ͺπŸ“š

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Libraries are wonderful, I have always wished I had opted for work in a library. I would love to know the stats on happiness for library employees, it just feels like it would be a calm and enjoyable place to work.

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The library was really a great place to work - except for the times patrons were upset about overdue fines, most of the interactions were happy and interesting! :)

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I can imagine that would have been tough! We no longer have library fines in New Zealand, not sure if it's working out or not but it's nice to know as my daughter is always returning her books back a bit late!

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Yes, a lot of libraries here have moved to remove the fines - so nice! Back in the day it could get expensive, and I hated telling people what they owed :(

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It is so so nice! Definitely a positive shift and hopefully librarians have a much more pleasant time at work now.

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