This story had me on the edge of my seat!

It was such a simple mishap that had the potential for such scary consequences.

I really enjoyed hearing about your inner dialogue especially —“Can I throw this metal patio chair hard enough to break the glass if he falls off that damned ball and cracks his head on the hard tile floor?” —- that really emphasised the gravity of the situation.

Great piece, and congrats on getting it published.

Also, Congrats on 100 subscribers!

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Thank you! I think my life is full of simple mishaps with (thankfully sidestepped) scary consequences! It might be a theme in my writing haha

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I think most of our lives are full of simple mishaps. At least, I relate to you in that my life sure is.

Thanks Robin.

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Firstly congratulations on reaching 100 🎉 that’s awesome! Secondly this has so many parallels to my life with Mars, and as he is 5 now it really hits home. There are so many extra layers of stress that are added in situations like this and numerous thoughts to process on the “what ifs”. I’m so glad it turned out ok in the end!

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Thank you, I hope Mars keeps these moments to a minimum for you!! :)

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We haven’t had a locked out of the house moment yet, but there have been times where I just wish more than anything he could follow an instruction because it was quite urgent. It’s hard when that happens. But I am finding that the past couple of months his ability to follow instructions has definitely increased so I’m incredibly grateful for that!!

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This is a great piece to remind me to teach those things that are important & valuable for families. And I have a clear picture of B jumping up & down on the ball with his grinney grin communicating “Mom, this is so fun!”

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Thanks, Sara, oh he loved that ball!

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Beautifully written Robin, thankyou. Autism and my life have always been intertwined, along a path of ignorance that slowly became one of love. I wish to share this journey in my Legends soon. Peace, Maurice

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Thank you - I hope you will write of your experience. I have learned so much over the years (and that continues, of course) and I’m lucky my son has brought me these lessons. Really appreciate hearing from you!

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